Cruel Indian man swings stray dog by legs, smashes it onto a car, posts video on Facebook

An Indian man recently uploaded a video on his Facebook timeline that depicts how he likes to spend his free time – that is hurting innocent animals. The man can be seen approaching a pack of stray dogs. He starts petting a gentle white dog before grabbing the innocent animal by its legs, proudly hurling him around repeatedly, before eventually letting go and throwing it into a parked car. During all this time, the dog was howling in distress, as the man’s friend (the cameraman) can be heard laughing and spurring him on.

Posted by Himachal Watcher on Sunday, 12 July 2015

The Facebook video contained the caption ‘my latest video lame NO’. He has since de-activated his Facebook account.

The man’s nickname is Dar Ji – his real name is Vatssam Kumar. He lives in New Dehli, India.

The Facebook video contained the caption ‘my latest video lame NO’. He has since de-activated his Facebook account.

The man’s nickname is Dar Ji – his real name is Vatssam Kumar. He lives in New Dehli, India.

Via: You Sign Animal Lovers

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Madan: Madan has been writing about eco-friendly gadgets and technologies for over 5 years now. He has an inclination for all things green and wonderful. He is a local social activist with a global vision. When not writing, Madan can be seen capturing the best of urban wildlife in his DSLR lens.