Willy Verginer’s appealing wooden sculptures depicting environmental crisis

Artist Willy Verginer has been creating some really meaningful figurative sculptures. He uses solid pieces of lindenwood, acrylic and sometimes other additional materials. His themes include human and animal interaction to subtle warning of environmental degradation. One of his project “After Industry” is dedicated to depict what the title suggests. The background and environment in which the artist places his sculptors is equally admirable. On taking a closer look, the rawness of sculptures reveal itself, making them more appealing. He has kept intervention of additional materials for embellishment minimum. The works are appealing and worth a scroll. Take a look:

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Madan: Madan has been writing about eco-friendly gadgets and technologies for over 5 years now. He has an inclination for all things green and wonderful. He is a local social activist with a global vision. When not writing, Madan can be seen capturing the best of urban wildlife in his DSLR lens.