Engrossing Photos of People & Animals Impacted by Climate Change

Climate change is a greater concern for the inhabitants of this planet than we realize. ‘Climate breakdown’ affects most animals in the wild and humans who have an insignificant contribution to the changing environmental landscape: these are ones suffering consequences of ‘industrial world ways.’

Forest fires burning wildlife habitats; years of droughts killing millions of hunger; cyclones and floods displacing lives or destroying them to the core – all perpetuated by climate change.

Depicting how animals and humans are impacted by environmental degradation and derived destruction, photographer Nick Brandt has worked on the project, ‘The Day May Break.’ Shot in two chapters; in Zimbabwe and Kenya in 2020, and in Bolivia in 2022. He exhibits how climate change is impacting various species through these mesmerizing photos.

The impactful photos look photoshopped at first glance but the black-and-white atmospheric pictures of animals and humans in the same frame are actually choreographed in that manner. The wildlife in the photos is rescued and living in sanctuaries. They are used to humans, which made it easier for strangers to get close to the beasts and be clicked in the same frame.

Life and habitat loss, in some way or the other, due to Environmental degradation, is common to both the animals and humans in each frame. Photos are grimed with the use of machine-made fog that mimics the wildfire smoke and portrays the once-recognizable world fading from view. Here are the most gripping and eye-opening photos that are showing displacement, habitat loss, and an existential crisis staring us in the eye amid climate change.

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