Bird Flu Outbreak Kills 5,000 Cranes in Israel

A severe bird flu occurrence in northern Israel has killed more than 5,000 migratory cranes. The outbreak has forced farmers of the region to slaughter thousands of chickens while the authorities are trying to control the situation, which is believed to be the deadliest wildlife disaster in the nation’s history.

Time and again in such virus-spread situations, panic and tension overpower our consciousness. A massive amount of birds in Israel’s Hula Reservoir are struggling because of the devastating outbreak of avian flu. In order to stop the deadliest spread, people started to slaughter a huge number of chicken populations.

Bird flu outbreak in Israel kills 5,000 cranes and sparks slaughter of half a million chickens

Image: Ronen Zvulun

Uri Naveh, a senior scientist at the Israel Parks and Nature Authority, said;

Many of the birds are dead in the middle of the water body so it’s difficult for them to be taken out.

Tamar Zandberg, environmental protection minister called the crisis “the most serious damage to wildlife in the history of the country.” The outcome of this lethal occurrence is still unknown but if the situation does not come under control, it will affect the wildlife adversely.

The residents of the region were removing the corpses hastily as they were scared for other wildlife to get infected. The migratory cranes are known to pass through Israel on the way to Africa, every year. This year around 30,000 cranes took shelter in Israel for winters.

The Outbreak of Bird Flu Kills 5,000 Cranes in Israel

Image: Xinhua

As per some claims, the cranes may have gotten infected because of the small birds who contacted with the affected farm outbreaks. Pictures of workers in white hazmat suits were taken while collecting crane carcasses after the birds were first found unwell.

The officials across agriculture, environment and health ministries were monitoring the situation closely. As of now, no cases of infections among people have been reported because of the flu, as confirmed by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s office.

Via: The Guardian 

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