The ‘Green City Dream City’ movement in a small Indian state

While recent data published by National Institute for Space Research based on the satellite images confirms that deforestation rate in the Amazon rainforest, which saw its peak period during 2004, has dropped upto 23%,an Indian state, Nagpur, too kicked off its movement to restore the greenery of their region.

Nagpur Municipal Corporation in Nagpur, India launched its drive to restore the greenery of their state by celebrating first august as the Green Festival, in which plantation of more than 100,000 saplings is proposed this year and 50,000 of them were decided to be planted on August 1 only. The movement will continue until the end of September this year.

A few days before the beginning of the green drive, state government had ordered NMC to plant a specified number of saplings at various locations of the state this year. Therefore, MNC prepared 60,000 saplings at its nurseries in Ambazari and Dhantoli gardens and also requested to every citizen to plant at least one tree on the day of Green Festival. The mayor, Anil Sole, himself sent Facebook posts to approximately around 8,000 citizens in order to encourage maximum number of people to participate in the event.

In addition to MNC, 18 other government departments, nine educational institutions, NGO’s and other organizations are supposed to contribute more than 40,000 out of total 170.000 saplings. The state government is promoting and urging all the citizens, organization, and NGO’s operating in the state to contribute under the theme-Green City Dream City.

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