BJP Leader Accuses Pakistan and China of Releasing Poisonous Gases to Pollute Delhi

Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) leader Vineet Agarwal Sharda from Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut district, blamed the neighboring countries for the high pollution levels in Delhi. Sharda stated in a recent video that every year he witnesses stubble burning and its aftereffects resulting in an increase in pollution, but this year the pollution is not because of stubble burning.

According to him, the neighboring countries are plotting against India and therefore, Pakistan and China might have released poisonous gases from Islamabad and Beijing into the country. That’s not all. He further added that Pakistan is conspiring against India as it cannot win a war against the country.

Sharda said he was confident that Prime Minister Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah – whom he referred to as Krishna and Arjun, were capable of stopping Pakistan. He criticized the Delhi chief minister for blaming the farmers and stubble burning for pollution.

Earlier this year, Sharda became an internet sensation when he chanted ‘Kamal’ (lotus) several times during a BJP election rally. The lotus is the party’s electoral symbol. During the rally, he said that the people will have to think if they want lotus – BJP – or some other party. After his speech, he started his rap-like chant of the word. This inspired numerous memes.

Also Read: Stubble Burning Deteriorates Delhi’s Air Quality to ‘Severe’ 

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court (SC) said that pollution needs to be curbed as a mass emigration cannot be allowed from Delhi. After SC’s order, the Center ordered state administrations to penalize people who burn stubble in Punjab and Haryana.

Delhi’s air quality has been at ‘severe’ or ‘very poor’ levels on Air Quality Index for the past week. Last month, the Delhi government also implemented Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) that lists all measures to curb the severity of the situation.

Amidst the critical air condition of Delhi, Sharda’s illogical statement raises a question on Indian governance. It is not the first time when a politician or someone from authorities has made some illogical and irrelevant remarks regarding some issue in the country. It is high time that people in responsible positions stop misleading the public and start talking some sense.

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