China using scary pictures of polluted Indian cities in its public awareness ads

China's public awareness campaign

China is making full use of the worsening state of pollution in India to educate,warn, and scare its public about the ugly future that awaits the country if sustainable, green lifestyle isn’t adopted by majority of its population while there is still time.

China has put advertisement boards in its cities such as Wangfujing city centre area in downtown. The ads show pictures of pollution in Indian cities like Mumbai and Allahabad and are put up along the streets.

One of the pictures showed a boy playing cricket amidst the heap of plastic with a line saying, “The beaches in Mumbai were covered in plastic garbage, teenagers, eager to release energy of youth, had no choice but to play cricket in the garbage heap.”

China's environmental awareness campaign

Similarly, China is drawing attention of people towards ecological crisis with another advertisement board depicting Allahabad when it was hit by sandstorms. The picture shows a few people walking amidst sandstorm. Lines with the picture said, “On July 12, 2015, the city of Allahabad in India was hit by sandstorms, the resulting low visibility made it impossible for pedestrian to see each others in the sand.”

While Indians are sure to feel insulted, China is more serious regarding its commitment to reduce carbon footprints. China is the biggest emitter of carbon footprint. Beijing used to be the most polluted city in the world until India’s capital Delhi snatched the top rank in 2015.

The initiative appears to be the part of China’s pledge to cut carbon emissions through various measures including public awareness towards issues such as plastic garbage, sandstorms including many other environmental issues.

Surprisingly, no such campaign or efforts for public awareness are visible in India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pledged to bring second green revolution through perspective plans. But without public co-operation, nothing is going to work for India.

While China is worried over a recent report that estimated the deaths and ill health caused from air pollution in terms of annual monetary loss to India and China. Both nations suffer a loss of massive $1.89 trillion amount every year.

Lack of awareness regarding improper disposal of waste, segregation of biodegradable and non-bio-degradable waste, and ways to minimize carbon footprint by making small changes in routine life-style are some of the fundamental reason why India is becoming a heap of garbage and the air is getting too toxic to breath.

The Indian government doesn’t even have any perspective plan or policy to deal with rapidly increasing e-waste. The social stigmas and taboos forces females to dispose sanitary clothing and disposable napkins a highly inappropriate ways like flushing them in public toilets, throw them in open landfill during dark, bury them, or burn them to keep it female menstruation a secret.

Most of the Indian population lives in villages. Many remote areas do not have access to electricity. In regions like Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Assam etc., farmers still believe in superstitions such as marrying frogs and donkeys will please the god of rain. A good rain means fat harvest.

On the other hand, China has already developed a low-carbon strategy that involves efficient use of energy and water, better transport systems to reduce congestion, and inclusion of sustainable features in urban design.

It’s apparent that China is working hard to aware its people, while India still haven’t initiated any effective policy to reach the people with green messages.

Via: The Hindu

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