Dubai gets first solar-powered smartflower and its aesthetically adorable

smartflower dubai

Photo: Khaleejtimes

We have read about Dubai’s Dubal Lamp initiative and smartflower. The first smartflower was officially installed by the Dubai Municipality yesterday (March 1).The mini solar-power plant in the shape of a flower, and looks aesthetically adorable despite featuring photovoltaic panels. It can generate 17 Kilowatt-hour (kwh) of solar power per day (amounting to about 6,000 Kwh per annum).

The smartflower is awesome since it takes only 5 square meter area but generates power equivalent to a solar panel spread over 32 square meters. Thanks for its integrated sensor, the flower (just like a sunflower) rotates around to track the moment of the sun.

solar flower installation

Photo: The National

The ability of petals to re-orient boosts the efficiency up to 23 percent. Also, the device claims 60 percent self-utilization, which is greater than traditional roof-top solar systems.

Soon, the Municipality will add Wi-Fi and mobile charging points to this installation.

The Municipality has vowed to install more of these smartflowers at various parks in Dubai. The system will be available commercially to residents at cost of about $18,000 (dh 66,000). Their design and efficiency are definitely worth personal installation and it can save lot of carbon footprints and electricity bills.

It features a controller that positions its petals to the sun. Its wind sensors shut the petals down if there’s a strong wind. If the wind is coming from a specific direction, the flower will tilt to protect itself,

said Ali Gargash, manager of manufacturing company Zohal renewable energy.

To start a nation-wide campaign, the first flower has been installed in front of the Municipality headquarters.

We aim to create solar cells and produce renewable energy through a beautiful structure to add beauty to the city,

said Hussain Nasser Lootah, Director-General of the Dubai Municipality.

solar powered smartflower

Dubai Municipality is committed to innovation and implementation of creative ideas in line with Dubai Government’s vision of becoming the world’s most innovative and sustainable city,” he added.


Photo: Mediaofficeae

It’s noticeable that Dubai has been promoting renewable energy through installation of solar-powered palm trees and other such installation.

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