Ecofriendly Salvaged Chair sculpture made from from recycled plastic

Artist and designer Jay Sae Jung Oh named her artistic, unique and ecofriendly sculpture as Salvaged Chair and that’s because she has used recycled plastic or say, manufactured objects as construction material. This creative designer started collecting discarded plastic such as plastic objects and wrapped the amalgam into natural materials. If you notice carefully, the whole sculpture includes variety of shapes, which appears to be attached individually, merging into the whole sculpture without losing their individual relevance.

The designer found inspiration from the abundance of objects present around us and she assumes innovation, invention, and beauty can emerge from even the most common objects around us, rather designer Jay demonstrated it with her artistic ecofriendly Salvaged Chair. It’ll be wrong to call it a sculpture only, because, you can actually put your butts on it and have some rest, while wondering what’s the limit of creativity and artistic imagination.

What makes Salvaged Chair ecofriendly
The sculpture has been created using discarded plastic, which designer collected from different sources and mixed them to form an amalgam. Further, the wrapping used is also made from made from plant fiber. Recycling plastic helps reducing the amount of waste thrown in landfills, which is not biodegradable.

About the designer
Jay Sae Jung Oh was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea and gained her Masters in Arts of Sculpture from Kookmin University. During her practice in the fine arts field, relevance of design in terms of communication, which it does to people, inspired her to excel in this field. To enhance her skills, she joined 3d Department at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, MI. She completed her second Master’s degree and acquired awards from Design Quest, Cranbrook Art Museum, and was nominated as top designer in the 3D Department for Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Emerging Artist Award.


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