Garbage crisis of India’s capital city Delhi in pictures

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Delhi had turned into living hell as around 15,000 sanitation workers were on 12-day-long strike. The capital of India was already troubled by administrative mismanagement of waste. The strike only worsened it. India’s biggest dengue outbreak in Delhi is the result of choked drains where standing water invited mosquitoes to breed. The strike ended only after Governor Najeeb Jung announced Rs.493 crore for their salaries. The condition is getting better now as garbage heaps are being removed eventually.

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However, last few months were horrible reality for Delhi, especially East Delhi that generates on an average 2,000 to 2,200 metric tonnes of garbage. Heaps of garbage has been rotting on Delhi roads and bylanes, raising stink and health hazard.

East Delhi Garbage crisis pictures

Politics was played over garbage heaps. Political rivals tried to blame it on the Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, but forgot to mention that municipal corporation isn’t under his jurisdiction. Again, the real suffers were common people. Take a look at these pictures taken during past few months:

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East Delhi municipal corporation

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delhi sanitation worker strike

Delhi garbage crisis in pictures

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Delhi garbage pics

New Delhi : Garbage dumped on road near Nirman Vihar metro station as MCD workers went on strike due to non-payment of salaries in New Delhi on Friday . PTI Photo (PTI6_12_2015_000170B)

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East Delhi Garbage crisis pictures 7

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East Delhi municipal corporation

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Delhi garbage crisis in pictures

delhi sanitation worker strike

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East Delhi Garbage crisis pictures 7

East Delhi Garbage crisis pictures 5

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East Delhi Garbage crisis pictures 2The Quint/Daily Mail/PTI

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