How to make an ecofriendly DIY Mushroom Stool for your garden

A DIY Mushroom stool from Toadstools is one of the simplest DIYs, but is highly charming, especially for the kids for they’ll give them a real super Mario world around them. Maureen is a loving mother living with her two girls out in Ottawa Valley in Ontario, Canada. She posted a DIY tutorial about her Mushroom themed stools, which looked cool in her garden. She explains the steps with just few words as the images speaks for the rest.


Old wooden salad bowls, Old wooden log, White Duct Tape, Red spray paint, Screws


The procedure is very simple and requires for little efforts. She scoured the surface of old wooden salad bowl, sprayed it with red paint, attached some white duct tape pieces to create patches, drilled the underside of the bowl and put the bowl over the log like a cap.

The mushroom stool is ready to make your garden colorful. At least, the kids are going to get something to be busy with. Maureen is looking to create more of them for her garden and so can you do easily.In addition to choosing eco-conscious materials, recycling in any form does a great favor to our planet.

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