Hybrid Floating Platform to Generate Wind, Solar and Wave Energy
Offshore wave energy conversion has been a pioneering field for quite some time now. German startup Sinn Power has recently developed a hybrid floating platform to generate energy. It combines wind turbines, solar panels, and wave energy harvesters to produce off-grid electricity for people living in the coastal regions.

Recently developed hybrid floating platform will generate energy to power the coastal regions| Image: Sinn Power
Designed as a modular system, hybrid floating platform can be specified with any or all of these features, which mostly depends on where it’s being positioned and what the power needs will be. It can handle up to six meters high waves and can harvest energy from waves up to 2 meters high.
This particular platform is unique as it is designed to be modular and extremely easy to connect and expand, which allows a variety of different combinations to be used for power generation.
The modular design has been a key element since we started developing maritime technologies that allow flexibility and a wide variety of applications. The floating platform can supply renewable energy to islands across the world, for example, and contribute to the worldwide implementation of offshore wind farms.
Said Dr Philipp Sinn, CEO Sinn Power.
There is IP68-rated electrical sensors continuously communicate data to diagnostic centers, which enables the early detection of anomalies and averting potential failures. According to Sinn, evaluating power output patterns can easily optimize a service plan for possible customers and expect repairs before grave damage happens.
Each unit of the gadget consists of four integrated wave energy converters generating power comparative to the water conditions. The unit can also be fitted out with a variety of 20 kW photovoltaic cells. Up to four small 6 kWp wind turbines can also be set. The combination of all three ultimately leads to the optimum use of the environmental conditions.
It’s always the same, it’s super modular. We can always use the same parts, the same electronics regardless of which configuration is constructed. We are now preparing the floating platform to be used as a showcase, to enable wider access for potential customers. Politicians and representatives from other European nations have already visited. The next goal is in the autumn, when hopefully we’ll be able to start marketing our unique electronics set.
Sinn said.
The company has been working on prototypes of similar wave energy harvesting systems. Sinn Power is currently on the watch out for a solar PV manufacturer to install a floating showcase platform in Greece.
Via: Forbes