Explore Antarctica Through Ira Meyer’s Breathtaking Photo Collection
Although the purity of nature is hardly untouched by humans and anthropogenic activities, there are regions that have fortunately survived from the influence of humans due to their remote locations. However, a few zealous photographers have crossed seas to witness such unspoiled beauty; and Ira Meyer is one such person who has catalogued his experience in his stunning Antarctica collection.
The California-based photographer has been visiting Antarctica for over two decades. He has seen Antarctica in all its shades, which are, indeed, more than just ice and penguins. He seems to have fallen in love with the isolation, stillness and purity of nature and life found on the Great White. From sunset to moonrise, he has witnessed a lot more than one can find on the Internet. Moreover, he has well acquainted himself with life forms that thrive in the extreme cold conditions of the continent.
Meyer said;
We’re talking about a place on which man has lain some footprints, yet had no appreciable impact. As such, it may well be nature at its absolute purest. The air is delicious to breathe, the stillness pervasive
For he is an intrepid photographer, his collection of images during all these years is invaluable. Recently, he released best of his photographs clicked in Antarctica and they are simply awesome. Here is the mesmerizing Antarctica collection by Ira Meyer.

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer

Image: Ira Meyer