Leopard’s Carcass Found in Maharashtra with its Head and Paws Mercilessly Severed!

It’s hard to comprehend what has made humans lose their humanity. The crimes against wildlife seem to have escalated despite many laws and punishment agendas. In a heart-wrenching incident, the carcass of a leopard was found on Wardha – Mandwa road with its head and paws brutally cut off. The police have arrested four people from Waghdhar village with the possession of severed body parts of the animal.

According to Wardha Deputy Conservator of Forests (DyCF) Sunil Sharma, the carcass of the leopard was found by Mandwa villagers. The investigation is still going on. Assistant Commissioner of animal husbandry and veterinarian Dr. SB Bagal conducted post-mortem revealed that the leopard seems to have died after getting trapped in wires laid for herbivores. There were scratch marks on the carcass.

Based on the first impression, the body of the animal was severed at some other spot and the carcass was discarded along the road to destroy the evidence.

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Shockingly, this is the third leopard death in the region in the three days. The other two deaths occurred in the Navegaon – Nagzira Tiger Reserve landscape. The wildlife activists are concerned about the safety of tigers and leopards in this region amidst the series of unfortunate events.

Leopard's Carcass Found in Maharashtra with its Head and Paws Mercilessly Severed!

Leopard’s carcass was found with its head and paws brutally severed / Image: Twitter @vijaypTOI

According to the database of Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI), an NGO working for wildlife law enforcement, in 2019, 458 leopards have died in India. Out of these deaths, 120 animals were killed due to poaching and body parts were seized.

So much for living in harmony with other species. Unless the greedy and sick-minded people realize that all lives are precious – human and wildlife alike, such unfortunate events will continue to occur and it is preposterous to even think that wildlife is safe.

Via: Times of India

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