Over 60 Animals Confiscated in Sutter County’s Animal Cruelty Case

Recently, Sutter County Sheriff’s detectives have managed to rescue over 60 animals from deplorable conditions in California. They act on a seizure warrant attained based on allegations of animal cruelty and neglect. To be precise, the rescuers saved 39 dogs, 13 horses, four exotic birds, and seven cats from a residence on the 3400 block of Sankey Road in Pleasant Grove, Ca. The animal rescue mission was successful thanks to Sutter Animal Services Authority, Sutter County Code Enforcement, and Sutter County Sheriff’s Office.

As the suspects, the sheriff’s office has arrested a couple, 51-year-old Chad Dunivan and 50-year-old Lynette Countryman-Dunivan. Both of them face several felony charges, such as animal cruelty. According to Sutter County Undersheriff Scott Smallwood, the poor animals were facing a lack of proper nourishment, shelter, and veterinary care. Smallwood also stated that it’s very saddening to see how some people feel fine mistreating animals.

Over 60 Animals Confiscated in Sutter County’s Animal Cruelty Case

Image: abc10

Even Sutter Animal Services Manager, Megan Anderson, mentioned that the confiscation of 63 animals is the largest operation of the team in the past 10 years. She also stated that most of the rescued animals are underweight according to a licensed veterinarian. Out of all the animals, horses were the most underweight.

It happened because these animals were residing in areas with no proper protection from hot temperatures, and certain animals were found in unclean areas full of abundant feces. The cops were trying for many years to get Countryman-Dunivan behind bars. But most of the time they were not successful, as she moved around to various countries. But this time, they finally caught her and her partner.

Over 60 Animals Confiscated in Sutter County’s Animal Cruelty Case

Image: abc10

However, both Countryman-Dunivan and Dunivan are out on bail for now, as per the Sutter County jail records. But the charges are already filed against them. Now, we have to see how the legal authorities take action against such a heinous crime.

In our opinion, it is truly heartbreaking to put animals, who can’t speak for themselves, in such ill conditions. It’s a shame that many people don’t understand that even living being has the right to live freely like us. We hope that governments and constitutions throughout the world take strict actions against animal abusers.

Via: abc10

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