31 Chihuahuas Saved From a Tempe Home Living in Deplorable Conditions
The dogs were eating off the feces-covered floor and living without air conditioning

Image: Arizona’s Family
The Arizona Humane Society successfully seized and saved 31 Chihuahuas from a home in Tempe. When rescuers visited the home, they found that over three dozen dogs were living in unsanitary conditions. The officials said that the dogs’ ages range from one week old to 8 years old.
Officials have not specified their exact condition. But have mentioned that they lived without air conditioning and were eating off the feces-covered floor. These deplorable conditions are not good for the health of any living being. Police have taken a woman, Jennifer Knutson, into custody for such animal cruelty.
According to the police, Knutson had given them a dead dog. After that investigators looked into the matter and found out that Knutson did not give the sick dog proper treatment or any sort of medical care. Due to this, the poor dog died. Tempe officers also mentioned that this is not the first time that Knutson has been found guilty of animal cruelty.

Image: MCSO
She has mistreated poor animals in the past as well. According to the Arizona Humane Society’s (AHS) records, they had taken more than 20 dogs from Knutson over the past two years. The reason for that was also a lack of medical treatment and care. They took the dogs away as she wasn’t the right person to take care of the animals. Now again, she has been found guilty of the same cruelty.
However, the saved 31 chihuahuas are safe now and are nicely recovering. The officials say that some of the rescued dogs are still scared and very shy. The AHS’s Behavior team is working on them while giving them much-needed medical attention and love. Hopefully, they will soon get more healthy and friendly.
Via: Arizona’s Family