Shimla city hopes to achieve ‘carbon negative’ status as it qualifies for global ICLEI project

carbon negative Shimla city 1

Earlier this month, at the world summit on climate change held at Lyon in France on July 2, Shimla was lauded for Urban-LEDS (Low Emissions Development Strategy).Shimla also qualified for a project- Carbon Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory implemented by ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental initiatives) and United Nations (UN) Habitat.

An ICLEI team is supposed to visit Shimla in the first week of August to launch the project.

It’s a great opportunity for Shimla to get ahead of other Indian cities in terms of sustainable development and establish itself as ‘carbon negative’ city.

HP Pollution Control Board sleeps while blatant HRTC & private…

HP Pollution Control Board sleeps while blatant #HRTC and private bus emissions destroy #ShimlaCityView All Videos/Read complete Article: Bali Himachal Parivahan – HRTC Himachal Roadways (HRTC) Shimla Police HP Police Virbhadra Singh National Green Tribunal HP State Pollution Control Board #GSBali #HPGovt #NGT

Posted by Himachal Watcher on Thursday, 4 June 2015

The emission levels in Shimla are on rise due to increasing number of vehicles on roads. The government and local authorities have failed to check vehicular emission. Deforestation is on rise and recent decision of the Himachal Pradesh High Court to uproot thousands of green apple trees cultivated on encroached forest land has further fueled it.

On the other hand Shimla Municipal Corporation also failed to check rise in air pollution due to open burning of various kind of garbage.

Amidst this worrisome time, ICLEI appears to be a ray of hope for Shimla, which is otherwise destined to doom as the state government, pollution control board and the municipal corporation lacks any perspective plant to control pollution in the city. The city is further overstressed due to rampart construction activities.

Read Related Story: HP Pollution Control Board sleeps while blatant HRTC & private bus emissions destroy Shimla City

The expertise provided by ICLEI can guide the corporation to facilitate the transition to low emission urban development in emerging economy.

The first step will be to collect, compile, and assess data for greenhouse gas emission inventory preparation. Once the team has real time data regarding emission levels and other sources of pollution, suitable road-map will be prepared to cut the carbon footprint.

However, there is a great hurdle in the path of turning Shimla into carbon negative city – lack of public awareness and their will to participate and co-operate with such strategies formed to tackle pollution.

The MC will have to spend on aggressive awareness campaigns in order to ensure success of such projects.

Via: Times of India

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