Finally, world’s biggest animal sacrifice event says no to animal slaughter

Gadhimai festival nepal
As a landmark win for animal activists, world’s biggest animal sacrifice festival, Gadhimai, has come to an end after 265 years of animal massacre.The festival is celebrated every five years in Nepal. The decision was announced by the Gadhimai Temple Trust with an urge to change the age old violent tradition into a peaceful festival.

It’s a huge relief for half-a-million animals that are slaughtered at southern Nepal. In 2009, around 500,000 buffaloes, chickens, goats and other animals were slaughtered to appease Hindu goddess Gadhimai. In 2014, the count dropped to half, but still over 250,000 animals were decapitated in public view.

The decision is the result of an international movement against the slaughter of animals. The movement also appealed to Supreme Court that banned shipping or shepherding of animals across the border for the purpose of sacrifice.

The chairman of the temple trust Ram Chandra Shah expressed his hopes for a bloodshed-free 2019 festival. He insisted to observe the festival as a momentous celebration of life.

Behind the movement lie efforts of Garui Maulekhi, consultant for Humane Society International/India (HIS) and trustee for People for Animals Uttarakhand. He was also among the petitioners in the Supreme Court case.

After this tremendous victory, HIS is now gearing up to educate and aware people in Indian states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and West Bengal regarding the decision taken by the temple trust.

Via: Daily Mail

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