Pictures of Adorable Siberian Tiger Cubs in Polish Zoo Winning Hearts

A few months ago, staff at the zoo in the Polish town of Plock rejoiced with happiness as they noticed two Siberian tiger cubs. According to the zookeeper Malgorzata Trzcinska, it marked the first of the breed born in the country this year. The zoo staff would not have probably noticed the young animals if their distinctive meowing had not given them away.

Trzcinska said,

A female Siberian tiger can give birth to up to six cubs … but we are very pleased with our pair. We have a male and a female so we think this is good for the future of the breed. The mother was very careful and very effectively hid them from our sight.

The breed is part of the European Endangered Species Program, making the cubs’ birth that much exciting. There have been only 23 Siberian tigers have been born in Europe in the last 12 months.

Pictures of Adorable Siberian Tiger Cubs in Polish Zoo are winning Hearts

Image: Reuters/Kacper Pempel

Usually, a female Siberian tiger can give birth to up to six cubs, but the tigress at the zoo has given birth to a male and a female, ensuring a good future for the breed.

The cubs are big enough to fight playfully with each other. Given that the species is endangered, the news has rejoiced conversationalists, and pictures of these Siberian tiger cubs in the Polish zoo have been making rounds on the internet, winning over hearts.

Pictures of Adorable Siberian Tiger Cubs in Polish Zoo are winning Hearts

Image: Reuters/Kacper Pempel

Pictures of Adorable Siberian Tiger Cubs in Polish Zoo are winning Hearts

Image: Reuters/Kacper Pempel

Pictures of Adorable Siberian Tiger Cubs in Polish Zoo are winning Hearts

Image: Reuters/Kacper Pempel

Pictures of Adorable Siberian Tiger Cubs in Polish Zoo are winning Hearts

Image: Reuters/Kacper Pempel

Pictures of Adorable Siberian Tiger Cubs in Polish Zoo are winning Hearts

Image: Reuters/Kacper Pempel

Pictures of Adorable Siberian Tiger Cubs in Polish Zoo are winning Hearts

Image: Reuters/Kacper Pempel

Pictures of Adorable Siberian Tiger Cubs in Polish Zoo are winning Hearts

Image: Reuters/Kacper Pempel

Via: Gulf News

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