Steampunk Robocop to rule the street this fall so law defamers better watch out!

I just can’t forget those days when the movie featuring a police officer who was brought back from realms of the dead and converted into a cyborg named Robocop. Later on due to the success of the movie a video game was also launched to bamboozle kids and grown-ups alike. Well now the Robocop seems to be in our face, kind of, with a real life size replica in Steampunk flavour developed by Kreatworks, based in Bangkok.

Using recycled material and useless auto parts and machines for carving the body of this Robocop, the artist then coated the sculpture with lacquer for that steam-punkish look and feel from the outside. The real life like Robocop has dimensions 240X150X110 cm and looks pretty intimidating on first look. If you are wondering why this Robocop was created and can I have one, then you are one lucky chap because it can be yours for US $6400 (shipping charges from Bangkok extra) to give your living room a unique cool look.


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