Winners of National History Museum’s Wildlife Photographer 2015 contest in pictures

Canadian amateur photographer Don Gutoski has claimed this year’s National History Museum’s Wildlife Photography award. A tale of two foxes, winning picture, defeated 42,000 entries to claim the prestigious award. The image depicts gruesome end of fight between two foxes. Gutoski calls it the best picture ever taken in his life.
The results for other categories were also announced.

Take a look at winning pictures by various photographers in all categories:

Wildlife photographer of the year winner: A tale of two foxes by Don Gutoski (Canada)A tale of two foxes by Don Gutoski (Canada)


Amphibians and reptiles winner : Still life by Edwin Giesbers (The Netherlands)Still life by Edwin Giesbers (The Netherlands).


Young wildlife photographers: 11–14 years old winner: Ruffs on display by Ondrej Pelánek (Czech Republic)Ruffs on display by Ondrej Pelánek (Czech Republic).


Underwater winner: A whale of a mouthful by Michael AW (Australia)A whale of a mouthful by Michael AW (Australia).


Young wildlife photographers: 15–17 years old winner: Flight of the scarlet ibis by Jonathan Jagot (France)Flight of the scarlet ibis by Jonathan Jagot (France)


The wildlife photojournalist award: single image winner: Broken cats by Britta Jaschinski (Germany/UK)Broken cats by Britta Jaschinski Germany


Birds winner: The company of three by Amir Ben-Dov (Israel)Birds winner The company of three by Amir Ben-Dov (Israel).


From the Sky winner: The art of algae by Pere Soler (Spain)The art of algae by Pere Soler (Spain).


Urban winner: Shadow walker by Richard Peters (UK)Shadow walker by Richard Peters (UK).


Impressions winner: Life comes to art by Juan Tapia (Spain)Life comes to art by Juan Tapia (Spain).


Images: The Guardian

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