A Chinese province pins over 700 beehives on a steep cliff to provide habitat to bees

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Decreasing number of honeybees is troubling scientists globally due their diminishing natural habitat. Bees are given a highly important task: pollination. That means the our ecosystem need bees.

To save the habitat of honeybees, people from Muyu Village in the Shennongjja forestry reserves have attached 700 beehives on a mountain cliff, which are handmade. The beehives look amazing on the Guanmen Mountain, and are attractive a lot of attention.

The bees are native to the region and hails from the Apis cerana species. The species are also categorized as Asiatic honeybees and are found throughout central China.

The efforts of beekeepers are visible as they took the risk to attach these beehives on a steep slope, located 1, 200 meters above the sea level. There is a lot that we can do preserve the habitat of one of our good friends – bees.

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Shennongjia forestry reserve beehives

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Via: Inhabitat

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