A Kenyan who brings water for thirsty wild animals in the jungle is called ‘water man’

Most of us know the story of Jadav Molai Payeng aka “forest man” – the person who single handedly converted a washed out area into a 1,360-acre forest – its time now to be acquainted with Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua, known better as the “water man.”

Mwalua drives water trucks for several hours every day to deliver water to thirsty animals in the Tsavo West National Park in Kenya.

Why does he do that – the park is facing a situation of drought. There has been no rainfall in the area since June last year. The water sources have dried up and the wildlife is suffering gravely.

41-year-old Mwalua, who spoke to Dodo says,

There is completely no water, so the animals are depending on humans. If we don’t help them, they will die.

Mwalua feels for the animals, a reason he drives for hours over dusty, treacherous roads to deliver 3,000 gallons of fresh water in concrete waterholes in the park, which all animals including elephants, antelopes, zebras and buffalos come out to drink with enthusiasm.

So, what makes him worthy the ‘water man’ title? Mwalua, if you thought, is not a forest staffer, instead he is a pea farmer with a tender heart that feels for animals.

In addition to hauling water for animals that have begun to love Mwalua for his lifesaving act, he runs Tsavo Volunteers project. Under the project Mwalua visits local schools to educate children about the importance of protecting wildlife.

Deeply gripped in passion he says,

I was born around here and grew up with wildlife and got a lot of passion about wildlife. I decided to bring awareness to this so when they (school children) grow up they can protect their wildlife.

Mwalua started by renting a water truck and driving it to the Tsavo West National Park, now thanks for three American women extending a helping hand, his fleet has grown to a few trucks that keep his busy to the night.

As one of his American funder Cher Callaway says, and we agree,

His (Mwalua’s) commitment to the wildlife and his heritage is unmeasurable.

The extraordinary water man, who often wears a superman t-shirt, is a true sure of inspiration. For he doesn’t mind ‘risking his life in the middle of the night to deliver water to a dry waterholes.’

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