Apple bags the patent for solar powered gadgets to suck on sun’s huge energy resource too

No one can beat Apple and its products when it comes to innovation and pre-emptive thinking as to what the consumer wants. Taking their futuristic thinking a notch further Apple have successfully won the patent for a solar powered devices that are going to harness the power of sun to run your most loved Apple wonders. This isn’t the first time that Apple has acquired a licence which is related to solar powered devices and apparatuses for operating the gadgets. According to the report the solar powered apparatus will include a voltage convertor and controller doubled u with a voltage converter. The voltage converter will include a input capable of being integrated with the solar powered source and the output bit will be coupled up with an electronic load like a portable electronic device.

All-in-all Apple seems to be hitting the right note after being stuck with patent related issues in the recent past and we can expect something pretty amazing when this patent is materialized into a real gadget. That however remains to be seen as the patent will take some time to hit the drawing board and end up in manufacturing.

Patently Apple

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