Category Archives: Technology

Aria NASA Inspired Hybrid Plant Based Air Purifier

Aria: NASA Inspired Hybrid Plant Based Air Purifier

Indoor spaces are considered to be even more polluted than the outdoors. In order to deal with this problem, people use indoor air purifiers but only a few incorporate nature in its process of purification. Aria, a NASA-inspired hybrid air purifier is one such example

Ilja Schamle Made a Cloud Server Powered by Tomato Vines

Ilja Schamle Develops a Cloud Server Powered by Tomato Vines

We have always been listening that nature and development do not go hand in hand – whereas development and technology are closely interlinked. However, an Eindhoven design graduate, Ilja Schamle created a cloud server that is powered by tomato vines establishing a symbiotic relationship between

SunDrive Solar Panels

Australia-Based Solar Startup to Beat Chinese Solar Panels

SunDrive Solar is an Australia-based company, co-founded by Vince Allen in 2015. The company has set a record for the efficiency of solar cells designs to convert light into electricity. The result was analyzed by the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH), which is

SpaceX’s New Launch Might Damage the Environment, Some Researchers Claim

SpaceX’s New Launch Might Damage the Environment, Researchers Claim

SpaceX is constructing an enormous mega constellation of internet satellites and researchers are pondering over its environmental impacts. Evidently, with the growing number of orbital launches from companies like Blue Origin, SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, NASA and including China’s space program, the cadence of space launches