Ecocapsule : Self-sufficient micro-home runs completely on solar and wind power

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Most of the world is still unaware of wrath of nature mankind is bound to face sooner or later because of its idiotic experimentation and overwhelming consumption of natural resources. Infrastructure is replacing green land. While it might be too late to reconsider the choice between so called modern development or harmony with nature, creative people have found peace in delivering what works best for time being.

Nice Architect is one of such names that rely on production of creative, useful architecture with minimal footprint and energy requirements.

Ecocapsule is one of its ambitious projects aimed at delivering a small, self-sufficient living pod that measures just 14x7x7 feet. It’s transportable and is capable of generating enough energy from wind and sun to be stored in a 9700 Watt-hour battery. With that much storage, it can also let user charge electric car and other gadgets.. The pod includes a kitchenette, bathroom, space for folding bed, and working area. Both sides have windows that allow plenty of light and air into the pod when opened.

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It can harvest rainwater too. The upper surface of this small home is equipped with membrane water filters. Before the water is funneled to designed tank beneath the floor, it removes bacteria. Further, pod features high performance thermal insulation to reduce energy requirements for maintaining comfortable room temperature. If someone wants to take it into woods, then it has a proper too.

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The Ecocapsule will be on display at Pioneers festival in Vienna next week. Most likely, the pod will be available in the market towards the end of this year. The details of price aren’t out yet.

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Via: Gizmodo

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