Cruel Photographer Broke Lion Cub’s Legs for Tourist Selfies

Animal abuse has become a common practice among mankind for selfish and inhumane reasons. In a very cruel incident in Russia, a photographer consciously broke a lion cub’s hind legs so it would not run from tourists taking selfies with it on Russian beaches.

Cruel Photographer Broke a Lion Cub’s Legs for Tourists taking Selfies

A lion’s cub’s legs were broken by a heartless photographer so that it would run while posing for selfies with tourists | Image: karendallakyan

Russian President Vladimir Putin has personally ordered a criminal investigation into the brutality faced by the poor cub, named Simba.

A heart-wrenching video has revealed the helpless animal before surgery and afterward as it painfully tried to walk again. The cub was merely a few weeks old when it was snatched from its mother and was made to pose for pictures with tourists.

Cruel Photographer Broke a Lion Cub’s Legs for Tourists taking Selfies

The incident has prompted President Putin to order a criminal investigation into the matter | Image: karendallakyan

After exploiting the lion for human interests last summer, its legs were broken so that it could not run away while performing. Reportedly, the animal got ill and then was tortured and beaten by the people managing it, who badly injured its spine and left it on the verge of death.

The animal was left in a cold, dirty barn in the Russian region of Dagestan while it was unable to move. The cub also suffered pressure sores, intestinal obstructions, and atrophy of the muscles of the hind limbs.

Yulia Ageeva, who led a rescue mission, said,

He was practically not fed, and for some reason in the frost water was constantly poured over him.

Cruel Photographer Broke a Lion Cub’s Legs for Tourists taking Selfies

Specialist vet Karen Dallakyan has nursed the cub, which is slowly trying to walk on its legs again | Image: karendallakyan

The rescuers took the lion to specialist vet Karen Dallakyan, who said,

Evil photographers break bones like this so that wild predators cannot escape and behave calmly for pictures [with tourists].

The vet operated on Simba and the cub is now able to walk again even though it has been permanently deformed. Through a lockdown video conference with ecologists, Dallakyan told Mr. Putin about the cruel incident and stressed the severity of the matter of animal abuse.

The Kremlin leader promised to get law enforcement to act against the animal torturer and any associates. Mr. Dallakyan, from Chelyabinsk, said a criminal investigation is now ongoing.

It could be due to the fact that hurting other beings makes a man feel good and overpowering in some sense. Wonder, when the man would fall prey to such a species as cruel as himself.

Via: Metro

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