Netizens Tribute Ill-Fated Pregnant Elephant with These Soul-Stirring Artworks

The heart-wrenching incident from Kerala’s Malappuram district has stirred the netizens into outrage, demanding justice for the pregnant elephant. The incident unfolded as the elephant consumed a firecracker filled pineapple and the fruit exploded in its mouth. This broke the poor animal’s jaw, causing damage to the mouth and tongue. In distress, the wild animal ran in the streets of the village, apparently not causing any harm to humans.

In her last moments, when the elephant was found two days later, the unfortunate animal stood in the waters of Velliyar River, probably aware of her destiny which was sealed by heartless people who placed the pineapple on the boundaries of the village.

Later in an autopsy, it was revealed that the elephant was in fact pregnant, shattering the internet into pieces.

This has raised serious questions about the gruesome manner in which human beings are mindlessly doing things that directly or indirectly affect the unassuming animals.

Although the method of filling eatables like fruits with explosives is a strategy to ward off animals or trap boars, it might not have been intentionally planted for the unfortunate elephant.

Still, the question remains, is it justified to kill any life for scanty selfish benefits?

Maneka Gandhi, animal rights activists said that;

It is a murder, Malappuram is famous such incidents, it is India’s most violent district. For instance, they throw poison on roads so that 300-400 birds and dogs die at one time.

Clearly, this is not the first time a wild animal had to bear the brunt of such inhumane acts. That said, people on the internet have expressed their grievances through art hoping somewhere sanity prevails and there is a curb on such merciless incidents.

We leave you with these heart-filled artworks and images which can just touch the gravity of this ill-fated killing.

Leave your thoughts in the comments section as to how we came to be so cruel that we don’t value any life other than ours!

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: funchershop/Instagram

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: shubhamdogra3/Instagram

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Rajesh/Twitter

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork


Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: creative_meets_graphic/Instagram

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Bidisha/Twitter

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: miss_matured/Instagram

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Ananya Waghdhare/Twitter

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image Credit: cartoonistsatish/Instagram

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Sanjeeta Pokharel/Twitter

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Sirsho Acharya/Facebook

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Kaafi Real/Aroop Mishra/Twitter

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Uday Mohite/Twitter

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Karan Acharya/Twitter

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Sanjeeta Pokharel/Twitter

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Sudarsan Pattnaik/Twitter

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Ashok/Twitter

Pregnant Elephant Killed in Kerala - Artwork

Image: Sudarsan Pattnaik/Twitter


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