Prison power: 20MW solar power plant all set to be housed in Maryland Prison

When we think of green energy, an institution like prison is the last place on our mind. Yet, it makes for a perfect setting to install and produce green energy that will not just offset carbon emissions and help home switch over to planet-friendly power, but will also offset the institution’s costs. Officials in Maryland, along with Governor Martin O’Malley announced the launch of a new solar power plant that is all set to take shape in the Maryland prison and will annually produce 20 megawatts of power.

For those at home who are doing the math that pretty much means that the green energy produced from this installation could power 2700 homes and cut down 23,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. In a time when every green initiative is invaluable, a project of this magnitude and nature could help trigger many other similar ones across the US as correction institutes often have plenty of open land that can be put to good use.

The Solar Power Plant in Maryland will be built by FirstEnergy Corp, which will also buy its power for the next 20 years. There will also be money generated by the renting of the land to First Solar, which amounts to $460,000 and this will hopefully be utilized to help the local community. Maryland, like many other US cities is striving hard to up its renewable energy count and achieve targets that will not just help the tax payers, but also the planet, in creating a better tomorrow. And projects like this will pave the path in years to come.

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