Astrophotographers Share Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

Millions of people around the world marveled at the sight of the spectacular annular solar eclipse. Eager skygazers were thrilled to witness this celestial event and they didn’t pass the opportunity to take stunning pictures of the glowing “ring of fire” solar eclipse 2021.

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

A partial solar eclipse rises behind clouds in Arbutus, Maryland | Image: Associated Press

Astrophotographers captured hundreds of pictures documenting the celestial phenomenon, which was fully visible through parts of Canada, Greenland, the Arctic Ocean and Siberia, and partially visible for much of the rest of northeastern North America, Greenland, northern Europe and northern Asia.

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

A partial solar eclipse rises over the Baltimore skyline | Image: Associated Press

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun, completely blocking the sun’s light, leaving a visible ring of light around it.

Also Read: Hypnotic Pictures of the Super Blood Moon 2021

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

A partial solar eclipse is seen as the sun rises in Delaware | Image: NASA/Aubrey Gemignani

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

The best shot of the ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse 2021 from Iqaluit, Canadian territory of Nunavut | Image: Twitter@arviamiut

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse over the US capital | Image: NASA/Bill Ingalls

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse as seen across the Statue of Liberty | Image: Gary Hershorn

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

A partial solar eclipse is seen over the Houses of Parliament, London | Image: Dan Kitwood

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

Sunrise over Baltimore on June 10, 2021 | Image: Tim Sahan/Twitter@JustinWeather

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

Partial solar eclipse peeking out of cloud over Brooklyn | Image: Twitter@deankiem

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

Partial solar eclipse behind the Brooklyn Bridge | Image: Twitter@SueTaylor

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse in Ontario | Image: Instagram@landonspics

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

Partially eclipsed sun near Boston | Image: Instagram@babaktafreshi

Stunning Pictures of ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

Ring of fire solar eclipse in Milford, Connecticut | Image: Scott Harris

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