Shimla city to install e-toilets and construct 125 new public toilets: SMC

E-toilets shimla

The Shimla Municipal Corporation has announced that it’ll install electronic toilets in Shimla. The toilets will save a lot of water as compared to the traditional toilets. The toilets are claimed to be equipped with latest technologies. It can flush automatically even if someone does not do it manually. The Shimla mayor Sanjay Chauhan told that the toilets are portable and highly eco-friendly. E-toilets also allow for better hygiene management.

Installation of a single unit will cost about Rs.5.5 lakh. SMC will bear this cost. As usual, the installation will begin around the Shimla Mall and the Ridge. The target is to impress tourists and take home some credits before next corporation elections.

However, Sanjay Chuahan assured that other important and crowded parts of the city will also get e-toilet facility. More of less, important areas include areas near VVIP residents like the CM house or the governor house.

Also, corporation announced construction of 125 new toilets in the city. A budget of Rs. 2 crore has been prepared to meet the expenditure. MC plans to get these toilets sponsored by corporate houses like cement companies as part of their corporate social responsibility activities. In return, may be, these firms find some space to place advertisements.

The available toilet facility is in pathetic condition, poorly maintained, unhygienic and stinking. Both the public and the corporation shares credit for that.

But now MC has assured that available 108 toilets will be turned into smart toilets. If you don’t have a clue what does a smart-toilet look like, then pay a visit to any of two smart toilets constructed near Lift or at Tarahall.

Whenever the government of SMC talks about Shimla city – they just consider areas near the Shimla Mall. Most of such announcements and facilities are initiated in a limited diameter around this popular tourist hub. Rarely, rest of the urban population sees any of such initiatives.

A couple weeks ago, in the World Summit on Climate Change, Shimla was applauded for being one of the three cities for taking collective step on climate change. Himachal was so proud of it, no matter whether anyone had any clue about what it actually means or whether Shimla is actually worth it.

In reality, it’s hard to believe that Shimla could make it to the list of green or clean cities. The public toilets stinks, no standard for rainwater drainage or harvesting, there are leaking water and sewage pipes, most of Shimla lacks functioning street lights, no sufficient parking, no check on vehicular emission, and deforestation is on rise through illegal falling of trees. The government is literally crawling when it comes to provide appropriate road connectivity. The drinking water supply is contaminated, which SMC had confessed itself a couple of weeks ago. People don’t have rain-shelters in monsoon. Despite regular requests from citizens, SMC failed to deliver even a single toilet in past three years. The waste treatment facility isn’t working. The solid waste management strategies, if any, met with measurable failures. The open garbage heaps are common. Littering habits are still wide spread. Garbage is set fire by people and sweepers. There is no clue of public awareness programs.

The stray dog and monkey menace is on rise. Animal birth control programs either failed or shut down after alleged cruelty against animals.

It’s really surprising that Himachal Pradesh Government has succeeded in hiding its true image. No measure to control climate change is visible.

However, due to natural greenery, thick cover, lesser industrial activity due to geographical conditions, Shimla still ranks better than other cities of India. Otherwise, India’s 13 cities are in the list of top 20 most polluted cities in the world. Shimla is heading strait to make into the list a couple of years later if not now.

Image: An E-Toilet in Delhi (File Photo)

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