SmartCharger: A revolutionary solar charger by StrongVolt

StrongVolt SmartCharger

A big problem with solar chargers is that whenever they pass through a shady region they get disconnected from the device and do not resume charging. One has to unplug the charging cable and then re-plug to restart the charging process. How irritating is that. Isn’t it! However, StrongVolt, a leading portable solar charger company has come up with an innovative solution to address the issue. They have developed the StrongVolt SmartCharger which comes with advanced patent-pending SunTrack technology that automatically reconnects your device and restarts the charging after the cloud has passed by or when you are no longer in shade.

The StrongVolt SmartCharger with its integrated switch will allow you to choose the type of device you want to charge and will automatically deliver the required amount of power to your device. It comes with a unique feature of providing instant visual feedback through its two LED lights. Green indicates that you can efficiently charge your device while red means there is not enough sunlight. Another great feature is that the device is compatible with Apple devices too which we don’t see with other solar chargers in the market. The StrongVolt SmartCharger is currently raising finds on Kickstarter and has already smashed funding goal with more than 14 days still to go.

Via: Geeky-Gadgets

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