Solar powered water ride coming to GreenWood Forest Park

Greenwood forest park goes solar

Energy needs are growing as human civilization goes deeper into modern,digital and mechanical world. Thinking about buying electricity for recreational purpose doesn’t sound appropriate if we consider upcoming energy crisis. That doesn’t mean all the parks and tourist attraction will be doomed. Rather, they follow some green examples as that of GreenWood Forest Park.

The park has planned for a new water ride in their list of recreational activities. However, this water ride will not put extra burden on the grid for power. GreenWood will install a set of solar panels that’ll help it meeting 80% of its energy needs. The installation includes inflatable boats descending down tubes as long as 91 meters. The park has also received £200,000 as funding from the Welsh Government for the same project.

The park is a popular tourist attraction situated between Bangor and Caernarfon. According to GreenWood Forest Park, the entire installment will cost around £850,000. He further added that last year, the park had witnessed record 146,000 visitors and the number is likely to go higher in the upcoming time.

Addition of this solar-powered water ride will help keep 22-years old GreenWodd Park fresh.

Via: Dailypost

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