Thinking Architecture’s solar-powered Smart Floating Farms can feed whole city

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Growing human population is asking for more habitable space and higher agricultural production. Unfortunately, the earth has a limited space and we are expected to adjust in accordance with it. Farming space is shrinking as cities are expanding their range. It’s a tough task to keep a balance in population growth and agricultural supplies. Therefore, architects, designers, scientists etc. are eying on alternates of farming land.

Here is what Barcelona-based design firm Forward Thinking Architecture proposes to compliment the ongoing traditional agrarian production. That means, it’s not meant to replace it, but just add to traditional farming production. The designer proposes the Smart Floating Farms, which are powered by solar energy, make use of underutilized water bodies in order to boost long-term food security and resilience.

These farms also include built-in-walkways.

It can produce 20 tons of food every day. The project draws its inspiration from a Chinese floating fish farm. The modules measure 200 meter by 30 meters. The farm consists of three floors. Aquaculture and water desalination takes place in the bottom floor, while next floor is designed for hydroponic crop cultivation. Large number of solar panels, skylights and rainwater collectors are included in the top floor.

Thinking Architecture

The idea can revolutionize the market as its anticipated estimate of yearly vegetable production can touch 8,152 tons. Not just vegetable farms, but these floating platforms can act as fisheries. The expected production in case of fisheries is put around 1,703 tons of fish. The modules can be connected to each other to form a grid structure. The successful implementation of floating farms can help feeding whole cities.

As the designer claims, the project is commercially viable and was envisioned with existing well-tested materials and technologies. These farms, installed on water bodies near cities, could reduce dependence on imported food. Also, the transportation will be cut down by thousands of miles in some cases.

Moreover, in addition to farming, the project is also aimed at assisting in farming research and education.

smart floating farms by thinking architecture

Via: Minds

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