“The Oasys” Breathing Palm System to Combat Warming Abu Dhabi Climate

The globe is heating up and it has become an absolute necessity to bring the global temperatures under control. Given the sweltering heat, the Abu Dhabi Department of Municipalities and Transport invited designers from across the world to participate in the “Cool Abu Dhabi” global challenge and develop innovative architectural designs to combat climate change and provide cooling architectural solutions for the urban heat island effect in significantly warmer areas of Abu Dhabi.

The design competition received over 300 entries from 67 countries, and now the winners have been announced.

“The Oasys” Breathing Palm System to Combat Warming Abu Dhabi Climate

“The Oasys” is designed to combat warming Abu Dhabi climate | Image: Mask Architects

Of all participants, Mask Architects has been selected as one of the ten winning architectural firms for its innovative design solution called “The Oasys.” The concept is designed to combat the warming Abu Dhabi climate through its “artificial breathing palm modular structure system,” also known as space-age-like palm trees in the heart of the city.

The Oasys consists of a series of island-like structures, intended for everything from resting and socializing to sports and dining. These structures feature palm tree-shaped constructions, which are the central portion of the design.

These palm trees spray a light mist and harness solar energy through rooftop panels to cool down the surroundings and provide a pleasant atmosphere for outdoor activities.

“The Oasys” Breathing Palm System to Combat Warming Abu Dhabi Climate

The palm tree-like structures will be green constructions |  Image: Mask Architects

Moreover, the trees act as noise barriers and protect against sand storms. Live trees will also be planted around the artificial structures to help stop the wind and sand from entering the compound. They enhance the oasis vibe of the entire design as well.

What makes this concept more interesting and suitable is the flexibility it allows for the system to move across the city. The firm proposed a system where a water foundation and other essential utilities will already be in place. Thereafter, the oases can easily be constructed using modules.

“The Oasys” Breathing Palm System to Combat Warming Abu Dhabi Climate

These structures will cool down the place, while harnessing sunlight | Image: Mask Architects

Each unit is modular and can be set up in larger or smaller configurations, depending on the need. This provides vast flexibility for a city with changing needs, socially and climatically. But, it can be used as a permanent installation if the government thinks necessary.

Such innovative ideas could save the planet from climate catastrophe.

However, it is necessary that humankind understands the repercussions of its actions that have brought this situation upon the earth and how important it is to stop such obnoxious activities in order for the survival of all living beings.

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