UK designer Vanessa Harden invents a biodegradable tent

Biodegradable tent by Vanessa Harden

There are lots of designers around the globe who are concerned about the environment and use their creativity and eco consciousness to bring something nature friendly to save our planet. One such designer is UK based Vanessa Harden who is working on a biodegradable tent project.The designer recognized the problem of tents waste left by people at the end of an outdoor festival. Instead of bringing quality tents to festivals people go for cheap and low quality stuff and dump them at the place of the event adding huge amount of waste to our environment.

In collaboration with Do the Green Thing, the futuristic biodegradable tent is an ongoing project which is in its prototype stage right now. Origami expert Mark Bolitho has also helped Vanessa in designing the tent. The tent is made from cardboard and is embedded with seeds which will be released during its decomposition. The structure is kept dry by beeswax coating and bio-degradable cellophane lining.

Biodegradable tent by Vanessa Harden

Biodegradable tent by Vanessa Harden

A firm support is provided by potato plastic tent pegs which are also bio degradable. The tent was subjected to an experiment during the ‘T in the Park Festival’ in Scotland to get the feedback from people there and to test it against the harsh weather conditions.

Via: AE/VH

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