P-MOB electric car can do 20 kms with solar energy alone

 P-MOB electric car

We all know that the electric vehicles are the future of transport. Lots of national governments and private auto companies are investing their money in the development of electric vehicles. Interactive Fully Electrical Vehicles, an Italian SME devoted to the development of e-vehicles has also come up with an electric vehicle project which goes by the name P-MOB or “Integrated enabling technologies for efficient electrical personal mobility”.

The project is developed by the CEO of Interactive Fully Electrical Vehicles, Dr. Pietro Perlo and is supported by European Commission’s funding of about EUR 2.8 million. Researchers from companies such as Siemens from Germany, Mazel from Spain, IFEVS, Fiat and Polimodel from Italy, Magnomatics and University of Sheffield from the United Kingdom have also contributed for the project.

Looking into problems such as pollution, congestion and rising road deaths, the P-MOB team created the prototype of an electric car which is highly safe and compact. Taking an advanced approach, the researchers focused on things like power-energy management, e-motor and magnetic torque control, distributed accumulators and solar cells.

The e- vehicle prototype thus created is a compact car which weighs about 600 kg and can reach a top speed of over 100 km/h. The integrated ICT-based control systems provide high energy efficiency and effective four-wheel drive. Working with smart diodes and self-adapting electronics, the integrated solar panels lose less energy and hence can travel 12.4 miles with solar power alone.

Via: EVWorld/CordisEurope

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