Yu Hiraoka’s Futuristic Express Sea Bus design is inspired by a fish

Express Sea Bus by Yu Hiraoka

Yu Hiraoka is a 25-year-old Japanese designer, who currently lives in Milan, Italy. He prefers working with a principle of FUN”ctional Design by adding fun element to his designs. His latest offering is an eco-friendly vehicle design in the form of Express Sea Bus which has been designed for natives and tourists of Okinawa Prefecture in Japan.

Inspired by dispar anthias, a famous fish found in Okinawa, the futuristic design of the vehicle is sleek, elegant and a treat for the eyes. The Express Sea Bus is an electric vehicle which is powered by solar panels and Li-ion batteries mounted on its roof. The eco friendly bus will be having little to zero carbon footprint.

The Express Sea Bus by Yu Hiraoka is designed to fulfill the necessity of residents of the Okinawa Prefecture which consists hundreds of the Ryukyu Islands. Serving as a perfect commuting vehicle for the natives of the region, the electric bus will be offering fast and comfortable ride to the tourists as well. Designed to accommodate 40 passengers, the eco friendly Express Sea Bus surely will be a happening place where the locals and voyagers can interact with each other and enjoy their journey to the beautiful islands.

Express Sea Bus by Yu Hiraoka

Express Sea Bus by Yu Hiraoka

Via: Igreenspot

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