Uplifting photos of winking Polar Bear cub taking its first step in German zoo

Pandas are cute – at times, Polar Bears can be cuter. Case in point, an adorable 14-week-old Polar Bear cub at the Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich, Germany, which won everyone’s heart when it took her first steps.

The delightful little white female cub was clicked winking at the camera, jumping on the rocks and enjoying itself exploring the surroundings without a glimpse of fear or hesitation.

The healthy, 8.4 kilos (about 18-pounds) cub is yet unnamed. It is third child of a 10-year-old mamma bear named Giovanna. While the toddler strolled around the zoo, the mother was in close sight will full attention on the little one.

Check out some enjoyable pictures of the bear cub’s first outing below:

Image credits: Guenter Schiffmann / Michaela Rehle

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