Chinese man invents an ecofriendly Underwear Washing Machine

Mr. Li, a taxi driver in the city of Chongqing, spent five years and near about $1000 building his invention that would clean your underwear in less than a minute – an Underwear Washing Machine. I know some of you would find it funny, but for Chinese women it’s a great help. In China, undergarments are washed separately from other cloths, which is a traditional norm in China. Have a look at the video to see the washing machine in action

Mr. Li has been granted a patent for his invention, which is not only efficient, but ecofriendly too. The washing machine uses piston mechanism and works like a hand operated electric generator.

The process requires washing powder, water and a manual spin. That means, your undergarments are washed separately and without consuming electricity at all. Even if you don’t believe in keeping your undergarments separate while the washing, you can use it to wash other small cloths or wearable and can save some water and energy. We hope Mr. Li would receive his due prize for his investment of five years when the machine would hit the market.

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