Cinecleta, Moviebike – A pedal and solar-powered cinema

Reginaldo Chapa pedals his Cinecleta, Moviebike, through the streets of Saltillo

A Maxican man, Reginald Chapa, pedal through the streets of Saltillo, Mexico to create awareness about sustainable and healthy life. He has modified a cargo bike to make a moveable cinema that he calls Cinecleta, Moviebike.

He has installed solar-panels that supply power to a projector and other sound equipments. Through his moving cinema, he shares films and music within his community.

Chapa is reflected in a side mirror as he pedals his Cinecleta, Moviebike, through the streets of Saltillo

Everyday, he’ll set out to find public spaces where he could install a screen and play something that is relevant to everyday life, culture and healthy living in every way.You’ll see people or almost every age gathered around Cinecleta to enjoy few moments of leisure at a park or at corner in a city.

Chapa arranges a screen with the help of two friends, to project a film with his Cinecleta, Moviebike, at the park in Saltillo

In Chapa’s own words, “The Cinecleta intervention program provides a public space to promote reflection on healthy living, culture, sustainability, mobility and the importance of the use of public space as a defense from violence, through the itinerant screenings showing selected audiovisual material.” 


Residents watch a film projected by the Cinecleta, Moviebike, at a park in Saltillo

Children watch a movie projected by the Cinecleta, Moviebike, at a park in Saltillo

Child climbing a fence is silhouetted by a screen showing a film projected by the Cinecleta, Moviebike, at a park in Saltillo



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