Honda develops smartphone connected solar powered EV charger

HEH55 Solar Powered EV Charger by Honda

Electric powered vehicles are making rounds at the Detroit Auto Show, with all the rage of EVs one thing that is very important is the EV chargers. With the motive to promote the use of electric vehicles, Honda has developed an all new EV charger dubbed Honda HEH55. Designed primarily to be installed on walls, the HEH55 is a solar powered EV charger which makes charging cars effortless and fun. Easy and cost effective to install (sans groundwork), the Honda HEH55 hocks to the mains and/or can also be linked to solar powered generating system to minimize CO2 emission.

Honda HEH55 charger can control the charge in accordance to the amount of electric power generated by solar power. This enables the EV charger to power electric vehicles even in case of power cuts. To make things at par with the 21st century, Honda HEH55 is Wi-Fi enabled allowing users to check their charging status using a smartphone. Scheduled to go on display at the 6th International Automotive Electronics Technology Expo, the HEH55 comes with smart card authentication, gunlock feature and network-based billing system to avoid any kind of misuse.

Via: TechOn/Geeky-Gadgets

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