India’s first solar-powered court complex in Khunti, Jharkhand inaugurated by Modi

India's first solar powered court complex

India’s first solar-powered court was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in tribal dominated khunti district, Jharkhand. Khunti district court is a first of kind judicial complex in India with a rooftop solar plant. With it government has flagged off the national scheme for solar electrification of courts of the country.

Total 720 solar panels have been installed on roofs and inside court premises, capable of generating 180 KW that’ll be stored in batteries. Court complex will consume about 64 KW, the remaining power, 116 KW will be supplied to other offices including collectorate office, which will receive 100 KW; sufficient to support all electrical system in DC office.

The court will light up 390 tube lights, 325 fans, 35 computers, 35 printers, five ACs and 50 sodium vapour lights with clean energy. The solar plant installation is expected to deliver uninterrupted, low cost renewable energy for about 25 years. With this installation, the court has also cut down its electricity bill.

Solar powered khunit court

The project was set up with an expense of Rs. 2.21 crore in a period of one year. Now, the court complex isn’t dependent on grid energy, and even in black-outs, the batteries can store charge for over a week.

The idea to convert all judicial complexes was envisaged by the chief justice DN Patel in 2014, who was  impressed with India’s serge for renewable energy. The state government backed the idea and allotted  tender to a Nodia-based company.

Khunti court complex

Also, the court authorities have suggested that surplus power can be supplied to nearby villages as Khunit is smallest district of Jharkhand is dominated by tribal community.

Via: Press Information Bureau Government of India

Image Credit: Telegraph India

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