McDonald’s to offer first-ever 100 percent organic burger in Germany

mcdonald's organic burger in germany
McDonald’s, world’s biggest restaurant chain by revenue, in an attempt to revamp its food source practices, has announced its first purely organic burger launch in Germany.

From October 1 to November 18, McDonald will be offering “McB” burgers, made from beef sourced from organic farms in Germany and Austria. Organic beef is sourced from cattle that are fed only on organically grown feed and graze on pasture without using synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

The move is expected considering the fact that German consumers are rapidly shifting to less processed and more natural food due to growing health concerns.

While, McDonald’s revenue has seen huge growth in Germany; issues concerning animal welfare and environmental cost of livestock have also played a significant role.

Therefore, McDonald is saying no to meat from animals raised with hormones and antibiotics. Public health and consumers advocates also suggest that un-organic beef leads to a number of life-threatening human infections from antibiotic-resistant bacteria or ‘superbugs’.

Last month McDonald’s announced that its 16,000 U.S. and Canadian restaurants would switch to cage-free eggs by 2025. Earlier, in March this year, McDonald USA had announced that it’ll stop accepting meat form chicken raised with antibiotics vital to human health.

The change in McDonald’s strategy is also intended to deal with competition from newer chains, such as Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc, which are already serving meat from animals raised without hormones and antibiotics.

McDonald’s has not mentioned anything about introducing its 100 percent organic burger in other markets.

Via: NY Post

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