“Recycling Mania” customized cardboard space adds fun to recycling

The real purpose of recycling is to help turn materials, which would otherwise land up in waste, into valuable offerings. The entire concept of recycling has been pretty laid back despite people being highly educated about diminishing resources and their consumption stats worldwide. Thus, a need for a platform wherein the sensitive issue of recycling is addressed is a must – for which, Turkish designer Dilara KAN, has come up with the Recycling Mania.

As you can see for yourself in the images, Recycling Mania is a customized space made up in corrugated cardboard, with a dedicated objective of educating people about recycling, its implications and need, through various audio and video tools and by conducting interviews and workshops. On entering the Recycling Mania a visitor is greeted at the information desk where a workshop followed by a video demonstration is conducted. For me personally, I’d definitely want to be a visitor at the Recycling Mania, for it’s the most fun way I can be rigorous in my recycling plans.

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