Sun Tracker harnesses sun’s light energy to light up spaces

Sun is the daddy of all natural energy resources when we see it from our perspective, but still we aren’t able to harness even 1% of its energy for our use. Even if we harness the energy of sun to a certain extent it has other disadvantages, now talking about energy conservation bit, why do we have artificial daylight damn in the middle of daylight when we could use the energy to have a solution? There is a simple explanation to that, for example inside offices if we let in direct sunlight it will heat up the room and will also produce glare for the users.

Ciralight has come up with an intuitive solution to this problem that is known as Sun Tracker which uses a plethora of mirrors and GPS connectivity to light up the environment throughout the day. And it is self-sustained too as it runs on solar energy from the sun. The product functions in such a way that it doesn’t convey heat, but rather only reflect the light of the sun. this is a very viable solution as it is able to give 300 times more light than an average lighting system. The applications of Sun Tracker are unlimited, it can be used I retail outlets, airports and shopping malls. The product is very ingenious and already big names like Whole Foods, IKEA, Office Depot and Boeing are getting associated with Ciralight to install such systems. Have a look at the video below to learn more about Sun Tracker.

Triple Pundit

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