This Class XII dropout, common Indian man traveled 3000 km in his homemade solar car

Indian solar powered car

India is host to world’s most polluted city and 13 of its cities are among the top most polluted cities in the world. Delhi was forced to switch to odd-even car restrictions after the capital city became a “gas chamber” due to alarming rise in air pollution. On the top of that blatant corruption leaves India hopeless.

But after reading about 63-years-old Syed Sajjan Ahmed, India can still hope for renewable energy revolution. Syed has built a solar-electric car at home and recently he drove it 3000 km to reach Delhi from Bangalore to participate in the First India International Science Festival (IISF). Syed is a class XII dropout and had started his journey as a fruit vendor. Later he switched to electronic repair including computers.

At the age of 50, he modified a two-wheeler into an electric ride and later did the same with a three-wheeler. In 2006, he was awarded for his solar-powered car by the Karnataka government for environment protection. Since then, he has traveled about 1.1 lakh km in this car that features a set of five solar panels, each with a capacity of 100 watts. The car stores energy generated by solar panels in a pack of six batteries, each with a capacity of 12 and 100 amps that supply power to the electric motor.

According to Syed, it cost him around 1 lakh to build this small car, which he has driving for last 10 years. Now, it has withstood a long journey of 3000 kms without much trouble. That’s a marvelous achievement for a common Indian to come out with such invention that his nation needs right now.

Syed Sajjan Ahmed

It’s the  right time for this nation to start working on zero emission-electric vehicles that could run entirely on renewable energy, like Syed’s solar car. If a Class XII dropout could build a solar power car, then auto manufactures and automotive engineers can do even better with their unlimited resources.

Talking about his motivation, Syed referred to Dr. A.P.J Kalam’s Vision 2020 for uplifting the nation and said,

“I had to leave school when I was 15 to start earning for my family. But the fire to create something that would be of use to humanity kept burning within me. In 2002, I told myself that I am 50 now, and I must do something before I become too old and infirm.”

Indeed, he has fulfilled his ambition despite innumerous odds he faced. “I wanted to make this journey an adventure; I have driven this vehicle for 10 years and hope to keep it going,” he says.

He also plans to return to Bangalore via Kanyakumari in his self-made solar car. His sole motive is to create awareness regarding environmental crisis and to promote renewable energy.

 Images: The Hindu/Indian Express


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