World’s largest solar-powered bridge with 4,400 solar panels opens in London

world’s largest solar-powered bridge (2)

After five years of development, finally the world’s largest solar-powered bridge was officially unveiled at London’s Blackfriars railway station on Wednesday. The partnership between the world’s leading solar energy company, Solarcentury and UK’s Network Rail led to the installation of 4,400 photovoltaic panels on the roof of the Blackfriars Bridge across the River Thames. The solar-powered bridge is expected to generate 900,000KWh of energy every year which accounts for up to half of the energy needs for the station. According to First Capital Connect which runs Blackfriars, the bridge will cut the stations carbon emissions by around 511 tons per year.

Managing director of First Capital Connect, David Statham explains that the journey of the passengers will now become more sustainable with the roof as electric trains are already the greenest form of public transport. Also, the distinctive roof has also transformed the station into an iconic landmark visible from a long distance along the River Thames. Along with that, the world’s largest solar-powered bridge will also advertise London’s efforts of becoming a sustainable city, with commuters viewing the solar panels as they enter the capital.

world’s largest solar-powered bridge

Via: Energylivenews

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