80% designers at London Fashion Week said no to animal fur: PETA

designer say no to fur at London Fashion Week

It’s a great relief for animal lovers and environmentalists – London Fashion Week in February 2015 was more animal-friendly than anytime previously – 80 percent designers, including famous brands featured on the show did not feature fur in their collections.

According to the International Fur Trade Federation (IFTF), 60 percent designers had featured fur in last season’s London Fashion Week.

We have every reason to believe that these stats are manipulated as designers and consumers globally are refraining from featuring and wearing fur.

According to PETA,

The industry has been on its knees since the 1980s and has been reduced to sponsoring fashion shows and giving away free pelts in an effort to keep fur visible. According to our latest research, it’s struggling to do even that.

People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) conducted its own research. PETA contacted the designers who had participated in London Fashion Week.

After collecting hard numbers on how many of them used fur in their autumn/winter collections for 2015(AW 2015), it found that 80 percent of designers completely refrained from featuring real fur in their shows.

With misleading statistics, the fur industry still wants to remain visible in the market. They want consumers to believe that in fashion world killing animals for fur is still acceptable.

It’s a relief to hear that cutting-edge designers like Vivienne Westwood, Shrimps, Christopher Rawburn, Felder Felder Simone Rocha etc. opted for new inventions in vegan fabrics instead of making animals bleed for it.

Innovators have made it possible to replace real fur and help industry embrace eco-and animal-friendly materials. New innovations have made it possible to derive better fabrics and fiber from metal, cotton, cork and synthetics.

However, one in five designers is still accepting real fur harnessed after murdering animals. These designers have still not understood that killing animals for fashion is one of the most absurd and unethical practices.

PETA has expressed their satisfaction with organizations efforts to create awareness against animals massacre for fur, and it pledges to continue with their efforts until it achieves 100 percent result.

It is not surprising considering that people are now taking a serious note of what lies behind fur business – lot of blood.

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