How real yoga is radically different from our health-obsessed versions: Pictures

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The first International Yoga Day was observed on June 21. The government of India spent a huge amount money for the promotion of the event. A lot of TV commercials and text messages from the Ministry of AYUSH had begun to appear a week before the day.

On that day, people were seen performing simple postures on fancy mats (made in China). Many other around the world made sure they got all those yoga gears and clothing a designer brand had recently launched.

However, the real yoga is away from pomp and show. The real yogis are found in isolated places or at the ghats of Ganges, performing extremely complex postures in minimal clothing. These yogis are homeless and wander from village to village collecting donation.

For them, yoga is a way of life.

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They have renounced the world and they live the life in its most simple aspect. The material is no more worth attachment. Desire and attachment to material has led the world to present state of chaos. Even the interference with environment is increasing in proportion to materialistic needs of human kind.

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We live in a society where trees are axed to clear ground for concrete jungles, where animals are killed in laboratories because our women want cosmetics in a desire to appear appealing, attractive and beautiful, and animals are shot dead because we want stylish fur clothing and leather wear. We live in a society where the concern for other subjects and creation of nature is minimal.

And then, some day, everyone claims to have adorned yoga on a special day.

Take a look at these sadhus from India.

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They are above fancy mats and clothing for yoga. Their purpose is not to gain physical fitness but unison with the divine. The Nagas, a clan of yogis in India, has renounced clothing and they stay naked in natural form.

It takes years of practice to master such complex postures. A practice of some simple postures can’t turn you into yogi in a single day.

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